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Green And Red

22 Aug 2022 746


Interesting to discuss..

"IF THE LOGOIJO (pseudonym) was like this, why wasn't my logo like that...?"

Because from the very beginning LOGOKU was present... I noticed a lot of things compared to LOGOIJO's class. *including me at the beginning hehe

The question is this, Bro, is LOGOKU the same age and class as Logoijo?

The answer is of course not...

And I don't think Logoku is for comparison with the big platforms..

Because it's not a portion that wants to compete with other platforms, but in this case..as a local platform and later hopefully it will go international too..

Is it true that you have to be sued for "MANDATORY SAME" with Logoijo, for example. Meanwhile, what we know in this case is that the Logoku platform only adopted a small part and of course there will be adjustments after adjustments to meet the local market for readymade logos and friends also know that some time ago there was a contest here, in Logoijo, there wasn't one, right? This is a platform that actually does not want to continue to be overshadowed by "must be a logoijo".

I'm sure they are in the stage of trying to show existence "in their own way" and will certainly be something newer.

Appreciate this platform even though it's still local and I hear the admins say they want to go Asia too.. hehe, now it's starting to develop.. if not us Indonesian designers, who else is trying to advance this platform..?

So in this case, I personally urge all of my friends, especially those who are still very new to the readymade logo platform like this.. just follow the rules of the game here, we don't have to be fussy with admins, the admin is already a pro and the reviewer team is also not random people.

And those who "feel" already good at it, don't compare this platform with the ones that already exist before.

If it's limited to providing an overview of these considerations and that might still be reasonable, but if it's been demanded to be "mandatory" at the same time, I don't think we should do that. Because as designers, we can't even "play" our logo or compare it too much with other logos, right? Remember, everyone has their own corridor.


Thank you!

Keep going LOGO!

Saya Zaky owner mzpdesign,

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